

Education Week Webinars on topics such as:

  • Cyberbullying Spills into Schools

  • Technology-Curriculum Link

  • Differentiation



Imagine the Impact

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TzysUdN_VqE&w=560&h=315]

Next Meeting: Monday, February 27th 3:45-4:45.


Due Date

March 19th is our next major due date. Download the attached form to know what to turn in for whom! :) 


A Tier 1 PMP student should be meeting a MINIMUM of two days a week in a small group with their regular classroom teacher for each subject of concern.

A Tier 2 student should be meeting a MINIMUM of two days a week in a small group with their regular classroom teacher AND at least two days a week in addition (this could be Aimee).

A Tier 3 student should be meeting a minimum of six times a week in small groups.

For Tier II and III students you must be keeping graphs on each skill listed on their AIP (improvement plan) in addition to graphing their progress on typical curriculum testing such as reading comprehension and math topic tests.

You must also keep track of fidelity, that is, they must be receiving the intervention as stated on their plan. If a day is missed, it must be made up. The total number of interventions must occur before March 19th, as stated in their AIP.

Now that we have moved beyond the initial stages of identifying students on a large scale, I will be writing the AIP and TPST forms at our meetings.

If you believe that a student is likely to score below the 15%tile on the SAT10, or score a level 1 or 2 on the FCAT…they should be in Tier II.  That means you still have some time to put them on a PMP before we need to decide if they should be moving to Tier II in March.

I will be adding spots to SignUp Genius as the weeks go by, however, I have permanent spots on Tuesday afternoons for RtI.  If you need anything, please sign up and we’ll figure it out together. This might include intervention ideas or new strategies to try with the whole class (Tier I).  J





Digging Deeper II