Symptoms of emotional abuse/neglect:
* difficulty in forming relationships
* inability to relate and bond to other children
* lack of self confidence and emotion
* extreme shyness
* being victimized and exploited by other children
* fatigue and listlessness
* helplessness and hopelessness
* feelings of inadequacy
* pessimism and preoccupation
* difficulty concentrating on school activities
* self denial
* inability to engage and enjoy pleasurable activities
* self injury--hair pulling and twisting, nail biting, accident proneness
* self-deprecating remarks, such as "stupid," "no good," etc.
The following is a list of behavioral indicators of a child who responds to the emotional abuse in aggressive ways:
* bullying and hostile to others
* intimidating and threatening
* bullying and defiant
* ridiculing to others
* cruelty to other children and animals
* destruction of property and fire setting
* repeated truancy or tardiness
* reluctance to go home
* constant attention seeking and hyperactive behavior
In all instances, whether the child responds to the emotional abuse, passively or aggressively, the child's grades and achievement are far below the child's academic ability.