Since I just recently "went public" with my blog, I'm joining the Newbie Blog Hop from Grade Three is the Place for Me. If you'd like to join, link up and post the following on your blog:
1. what state you are in
2. your current teaching position
3. your teaching experience
4. when you started blogging
5. share a blogging tip / blogging resource
1. I live in Florida. I've also living in Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Illinois, Virginia and Louisiana.
2 and 3. I am currently the RtI Coordinator for our K-8 school. This year I will work directly with 2nd-8th graders in reading and math. I have also taught PreK ESE, 1st, 3rd, 4th and middle school. This is my 14th year teaching.
4. I started a website for my school last summer. This summer I discovered the teaching blog world and I decided to make it public.
5. Cutest Blog on the Block has free backgrounds, headers and graphics!