

Our students and their parents depend on us to motivate, inspire and teach. If our only job was to teach students who come to school eager to learn and confident in their ability, with extensive vocabularies and no limitations, it would be easy. However, this is not the real world, and it is certainly not the students most of us face each day.

Think back to why you became a teacher. Was it to make a difference? Imagine the difference you could make for a student struggling to learn. Studies show that only 10% of students will learn effortlessly. I hope this blog is helpful in your quest to help your students shoot for the moon, or at least land among the stars. Please feel free to email me if you have comments, questions or suggestions for content to this page.

I am the K-8 RtI Coordinator and Resource Teacher for an Imagine Charter school in Florida. My undergrad degree is in Special Education and I am currently pursuing my master's degree in Education Leadership.

I have taught PreK, 1st, 3rd, 4th and Middle School. I began this blog as a way to share information with the teachers and staff at my school, and I am happy to be branching out and networking with so many talented teachers who share my passion and enjoy blogging about it.