Character & Behavior Links

"Character is higher than intellect. A great soul will be strong to live as well as think." -Ralph Waldo Emerson 

From Classroom Rules to Class Promises—How Core Values Set the Foundation

Excellent hands on resources to assist our little friends with their emotions and confidence.

Character Development
Action Steps

v  Character Ed should be a school-wide commitment, not just the task force
v  Manners Board
o   ABCs of Manners
o   Proper way to greet
o   Writing thank you notes
v  Anti-Bullying Squad (students)
v  Character Journals
o   Good Deed Journal
o   Weekly Reflection Journal
o   Authentic Happiness
v  Teach Golden Rule
v  Character Heroes
v  Interview someone you admire assignment
v  Staff Culture Change
o   Staff Survey – Moral and Intellectual
§  Self-assessment inventories
o   Camaraderie is the foundation of school climate
o   Relationship building
v  Display a quote of the week in copy room
v  Accentuate the positive
o   Positive affirmations
o   Brag on your buddy
o   Fill buckets
o   Thank you notes
v  Write down 5 goals and put them in a box
v  Cultural Festival – Whole school
v  Peer Tutoring (older students tutoring younger students)
v  Buddying
o   Cross-age, 2 years apart—whole school
v  Lunchtime student meetings
o   Two Students per class (alternate throughout the year)
o   Each grade has a character coach
§  How do we improve character?
§  How do we make our school better?
v  Make Palm Coast a community of character
v  Parent Surveys beginning of the year (Survey Monkey)
o   When you have a teacher’s conference, what do you want to hear most about your child?
o   Expectations/Suggestions for character development
v  Character Trait Class Discussions
o   What does respect look like on the bus, cafeteria, classroom, at home?
o   How do you rate on respect 1 to 5 – to self, to property, to friends, to family, to teacher
v  Jail Words
o   Shut up, retard, sucks, screwed, butt, stupid, pissed, idiot, dork, dumb, loser, nerd, fat, chubster, fart, crap, gay, queer, fag
o   Make a list and post
v  Staff PD on Character
o   Living and Modeling good character
o   Integrating into content
o   Methods of integration
v  Use Community Builders at each Staff Meeting
v  Ask staff – what do we do to make the school better?
v  Increase Parent Involvement in Character Ed
v  Increase Student Involvement in Character Ed
v  Parent Town Hall
v  Parent Book Study
v  Class assignment – Interview parents – How does good character play a role in your job?
v  Each and every teacher does a JIF lesson in the beginning of the year
v  Create an Honor Code for academic integrity
v  Create a Code of Behavior for PE
v  Peaceful Conflict Resolution
o   Teach No Blame to staff and students
v  Peace Path
v  Review Mission Statement – create a touchstone???
v  School-wide expectations regarding service learning
v  Diminish use of extrinsic rewards
v  Student Focus Groups
o   More student input and student-lead initiatives
o   Pedagogy of empowerment
v  Take minutes at character meetings
v  No Failure Policy
o   Retake tests
o   Finish homework during lunch/recess
o   No zeros for late work
v  Re-visit Ron Berger, Ethics of Excellence
o   Project-based learning
o   Model of excellence
o   Positive peer critiques
o   Public presentations
o   Authentic
§  e.g. ABC’s of homelessness
§  Butterfly example
v  Requirement in lesson plans
o   Character content
o   Character method
§  e.g. Children of the Dustbowl video
·         content
·         method – concept mapping/journaling
v  Include Character in daily objectives
v  Teacher Assessments
o   How many F’s
o   How many nurse’s visits
o   How many office referrals
v  Start each day with one of these:
o   Good news
o   Compliment
o   Humor
v  Four Phases to Change School
o   Enlist and Train Key Leaders
o   Work with the “willing”
o   Invest in PD
o   Some people will never comply –push them out
v  Form Partnerships with community members and solicit their help with character development