
How to Upload on Google Docs

Go to Gmail.comSign in as rti.at.istc@gmail.com
The password has been sent to you in an email.

Click on "Documents" (The first time you might have to click on "More" first).

Click on "Upload"


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How to Start a PMP - Tier 1

PMPs for required students noted during preplanning AND any students you already have concerns about are due by Friday, September 2nd.  This means you need to meet with the parents THIS week if you have not already done so.

In 95% of cases you need the Academic PMP form and the RtI Parent Letter which is on the main page UNDER THE MENU "ORGANIZATION"  You may also want to print the Organizational forms to help you keep track of what is due when for whom! Fill out all the yellow sections, including the meeting summary and remember to sign it!





Selective Mutism

I consulted on a case once where the child had selective mutism.   Here's some information. It's very important to not push them to speak, because if you do you can cause the anxiety to increase drastically.  The child I consulted on spoke normally at home and spoke at a young age. But when she went to school or was in a restaurant, she was absolutely silent. She started therapy and eventually came out of her shell.  Think of it almost like a student with limited English and ask her to point to things, write things or show you things; try communicating with a child through a journal.

"Selective mutism is described in the 2000 edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders(DSM-IV-TR: pp.125-127).

Children with selective mutism may also show:

  • anxiety disorder (e.g., social phobia)

  • excessive shyness

  • fear of social embarrassment

  • social isolation and withdrawal

Many times a child with selective mutism has or is experiencing:

  • an anxiety disorder

  • inner self/self-esteem issues

  • a speech, language, or hearing problem

  • trauma

Associated behaviors may include no eye contact, no facial expression, immobility, or nervous fidgeting when confronted with general expectations in social situations.  These symptoms do not indicate willfulness, but rather an attempt to control rising anxiety."
