
Current Tier 2/3/IEP Students

Students already in Tier 2, 3 or on an IEP have different required forms.

  1. October 10 - a hard copy of fidelity forms and graphs must be turned in to me.  Upload the graphs to Google Docs

  2. October 24th and 25th we will have Tier 2/3 meetings and write new academic imrovement plans.

  3. IEP students are simply monitored. Please turn the graph in at the same time, however, no additional paperwork is required.


  1. September 30 - Upload graphs to Google Docs (I will let you know within a few days if you should continue to step 2 with any students)

  2. October 10 - All paperwork due to me for students moving forward in the process: updated graphs, second PMP (uploaded and hard copy signed), SAT10, FCAT, grades, attendance, FAIR (if it's ready!)

  3. We will meet as a grade level the week before conferences. During this time, any Tier 1 student moving forward in the process will be determined. You can then review this information with the parents during your regular quarter 1 conference.

  4. By the end of quarter 1, please have all NEW PMPs and graphs uploaded.




How is Behavior RtI different from Academic RtI?

The Behavior RtI forms are not online. They are filled out by hand on hard copies.  You may be completing Academic AND Behavior RtI on one student.

When do we place a student on a PMP?

Mandatory: If the student scores below 25% on SAT10 AND scores Level 1 or 2 on FCAT (for grades 4-8)

Teacher discretion: If you have concerns about a student's performance based on classroom observations or beginning of the year assessments

Teacher discretion: If a student is performing poorly on classroom and/or standardized assessments throughout the year

What about students already in Tier 2 or 3?

Download and print the Fidelity form from Google Docs from that individual student's file which will tell you the interventions and give you a place to keep track.

What about students on an IEP?

Students on Speech ONLY IEPs must be placed on a PMP under the same conditions as other students. Students on any other type of IEP are not placed on a PMP usually.

Why can't I find the right form?

Each student has an electronic Excel file, with all the forms in one file. Look at the tabs on the bottom for the correct form. The PMP is the form farthest on the left.

Who do I graph?

Students on PMPs, until after the September 30th data review. All students in Tier 2, 3 or on an IEP.

What do I graph?

Students on PMPs should be graphed based on the three areas identified by the grade level.

Students in Tier 2, 3 and on IEPs should be graphed based on the grade level areas AND their individual academic plans.

How To Graph

Download the Graphing File from the Organization-Academic Forms (or Behavior if that's what you're doing)










Fill in the students' names, assessment name, date, class average,target (usually 70%), # of students taking test, # of students scoring above 70% and the students' individual scores.  If they are in Tier 1 (you just started them on a PMP), you put the scores in the green boxes. If they are in Tier 2, yellow. If they are in Tier 3 OR on an IEP (except for Speech only kiddos), you put the scores in red.
















Finally upload the graphs to Google Docs


Next Due Date

Graphs on all students on a PMP, or in Tier 2, 3 or on an IEP are due September 30 in electronic format on Google Docs. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE take this deadline seriously, as I will have over 100 files to look at!