
Cover Copy Compare

CCC, or Cover Copy Compare is a simple, research-based math computation intervention.  Below is some information from www.InterventionCentral.org regarding the strategy.  Here is a link to make your own CCC intervention sheets.  

When first introducing Cover-Copy-Compare worksheets to the student, the teacher gives the student an index card. The student is directed to look at each correct item (e.g., correctly spelled word, computation problem with solution) on the left side of the page.

The student is instructed to cover the correct model on the left side of the page with an index card and to copy the problem and compute the correct answer in the space on the right side of the sheet. The student then uncovers the correct answer on the left and checks his or her own work.

When using CCC worksheets, add an occasional item (e.g., vocabulary word, math problem) that the student has already mastered. These review items are great for refreshing student skills on learned material and can also give the teacher an indication of how well the student is retaining academic skills.

You can boost student motivation by praising the student for his or her efforts in completing the worksheets. You might also want to have the student build a portfolio of completed CCC worksheets. In reviewing this portfolio of work periodically, the student can see tangible evidence of improvement in his or her academic skills.

An essential requirement of Cover-Copy-Compare is that the student cover the correct model and attempt independently to solve the item using his or her own skills. if the student simply copies the correct answer from the model math problem or spelling word, the review process is short-circuited and the student will not benefit. If you suspect a student will copy rather than attempt to solve items on a CCC worksheet, arrange to have a peer tutor, adult in the classroom, or parent sit with the student to provide encouragement and monitoring.

Fold the worksheet in half length-wise so that the answers appear on one side of the folded worksheet and the answer blanks appear on the other side. For each item, the student will peer at the correct model, then flip the folded sheet over to the right side to independently solve the item (with the correct model neatly folded out of sight).